How Emotionally Mature Are You? Book
How Emotionally Mature are You book from The School of Life. A guide to psychological adulthood. We all know our physical age, but what is our emotional age? Most of us long to be more emotionally mature and better able to face life’s challenges with poise, confidence, kindness and good-natured intelligence. We want to be proper grown-ups. But to become so means, first and foremost, that we have to understand the many curious ways in which we might not currently be as mature as we would have hoped. With candour, wisdom and rigour, the book delivers a realistic roadmap for how to achieve our full potential and grow into self-aware, unfrightened, joyful adults.
The detail....
Paperback book | 160 pages | 176mm x 127mm
About the designer…
The School of Life is a global organisation helping people lead more fulfilled lives. They believe that the journey to fulfilment begins with self-knowledge, the tools and techniques for developing self-knowledge and finding fulfilment are not taught and are hard to find. The School of Life was created as a resource for helping us understand ourselves, for improving our relations, careers and social lives, via prompt cards, stationery and books.
The Store Collective us a UK stockist of their books, games, card boxes and other tools as part of our Awareness and Inclusivity pillar.