Traitor Card
There's always someone who breaks the circle of trust and after years of saying they'll quit their job they finally do. What are the rest of you meant to do? Actually update your LinkedIn? Despite being great for colleagues hell bent on self improvement this card also works for friends who couple up, procreate, get engaged and do all of life's basic b*tch activities despite constantly declaring they're 'not that sort of person'. They protest too much.
The detail...
All Mean Mails are made in the UK using responsibly sourced materials with an eco-conscious printer. A6 card with contrasting colour envelope.
About the designer...
Mean Mail was created by Vicky Simmons, an art director with a penchant for brutal honesty and eye rolls. The first card she designed was for Valentine’s and said ‘I’d like to keep this when we split up.’ to give to her then boyfriend. They’re still together. Just.